问题是WP运行时内存不足(请参阅下面的支持消息)。在WP admin中评估/排除内存使用故障的最佳系统方法是什么?插件往往与这类问题有关;还有其他常见的嫌疑犯吗?
`I\'ve checked into why you\'ve
been receiving these 404 errors, and it seems your scripts have been
getting automatically killed by our Process Watcher script due to your
site(s) going over Memory limits on the shared server.
2011-07-08 08:53:59 procwatch2 INFO: Process(pid=12921, name=\'php5.cgi\',
uid=_, tty=None, cpu=17.5, rss=155764.0, vsize=264456.0): kill
for total RAM
2011-07-08 08:54:19 procwatch2 INFO: Process(pid=13248, name=\'php5.cgi\',
uid=_, tty=None, cpu=29.8, rss=197348.0, vsize=305212.0): kill
for total RAM
2011-07-08 08:54:40 procwatch2 INFO: Process(pid=13253, name=\'php5.cgi\',
uid=_, tty=None, cpu=39.9, rss=197376.0, vsize=305188.0): kill
for total RAM`