As found here:
* Calls the class on the post edit screen
function call_someClass()
return new someClass();
if ( is_admin() )
add_action( \'load-post.php\', \'call_someClass\' );
* The Class
class someClass
const LANG = \'some_textdomain\';
public function __construct()
add_action( \'add_meta_boxes\', array( &$this, \'add_some_meta_box\' ) );
* Adds the meta box container
public function add_some_meta_box()
,__( \'Some Meta Box Headline\', self::LANG )
,array( &$this, \'render_meta_box_content\' )
* Render Meta Box content
public function render_meta_box_content()
<div class=\'mydiv\'>
<img src=\'someImage.png\' alt=\'someImage\'/>
<script type=\'text/javascript\'>alert(\'hello world!\');</script>