用‘Simple Nivo Slider’插件向幻灯片添加固定链接?

时间:2012-04-26 作者:fred randall


clarify, 我只定制和调整了CSS。




Orginal Q:

所以,我猜是开箱即用。这个Simple Nivo Slider插件(虽然也应该是这样的)没有启用永久链接,无法点击幻灯片到实际对应的最新帖子。

So I need to do this manually as I\'ve already customized the slider enough where it would hurt to start all over.



<?php the_permalink() ?>

--- FULL \'simple-nivo-slider.php\' below:

Plugin Name: Simple Nivo Slider
Plugin URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-nivo-slider/
Description: Gilbert Pellegrom\'s excellent Nivo Slider, made easily available for WordPress
Version: 0.5.6
Author: Thomas M Steenholdt
Author URI: http://www.tmus.dk/
License: GLP2

/*  Copyright 2011  Thomas Munck Steenholdt  (email : tmus@tmus.dk)

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as 
    published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

/* plugin database version - used to identify the need to "upgrade" database */
define(\'SNIVO_DB_VERSION\', 5);

/* supported effects */
define(\'SNIVO_EFFECTS\', \'fold fade sliceDownRight sliceDownLeft sliceUpRight sliceUpLeft sliceUpDown sliceUpDownLeft slideInRight slideInLeft boxRandom boxRain boxRainReverse boxRainGrow boxRainGrowReverse\');

 * define default values for all plugin options
 * the function can return the entire array or the value of a single option if opt_name is specified
function snivo_defaults($opt_name=null) {

    $defaults = Array(
        \'snivo_category\' => 1,
        \'snivo_imagesize\' => \'full\',
        \'snivo_shuffle\' => 0,
        \'snivo_nivo_effects\' => explode(\' \', constant(\'SNIVO_EFFECTS\')),
        \'snivo_nivo_slices\' => 15,
        \'snivo_nivo_boxcols\' => 8,
        \'snivo_nivo_boxrows\' => 4,
        \'snivo_nivo_animspeed\' => 500,
        \'snivo_nivo_pausetime\' => 3000,
        \'snivo_nivo_directionnav\' => 1,
        \'snivo_nivo_directionnavhide\' => 1,
        \'snivo_nivo_controlnav\' => 1,
        \'snivo_nivo_keyboardnav\' => 1,
        \'snivo_nivo_pauseonhover\' => 1,
        \'snivo_nivo_captionopacity\' => 80

    /* return entire array if $opt_name is empty */
    if (empty($opt_name))
        return $defaults;

    /* otherwise return the value of the specified option from the array */
    return $defaults[$opt_name];


 * plugin activation hook
function snivo_activate() {

    /* add/update all plugin options */
    update_option(\'snivo_db_version\', constant(\'SNIVO_DB_VERSION\'));
    foreach (snivo_defaults() as $opt_name => $default_value) {
        add_option($opt_name, $default_value);


 * plugin deactivation hook
function snivo_deactivate() {

    /* remove deprecated options from the database on deactivation */ 


 * plugin uninstallation hook
function snivo_uninstall() {

    /* delete all plugin options */
    foreach (snivo_defaults() as $opt_name => $default_value) {


 * display an administrative notice when database is updated
function snivo_update_notice() {
        <div class="updated fade"><p>
            <strong>Simple Nivo Slider:</strong> database was updated.

 * handle plugin updates
function snivo_update_helper() {

     * if current database \'snivo_db_version\' is lower that the plugin database version,
     * update the plugin database by calling the deactivate() and activate() functions
    if (intval(get_option(\'snivo_db_version\')) < constant(\'SNIVO_DB_VERSION\')) {
        /* deactivate, activate will handle addition of new options to the database
         * and update the db_version too */

        /* notify administrator of the update */
        add_action(\'admin_notices\', \'snivo_update_notice\');


 * plugin admin_init action function
function snivo_admin_init() {

    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_category\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_imagesize\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_shuffle\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_effects\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_slices\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_boxcols\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_boxrows\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_animspeed\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_pausetime\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_directionnav\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_directionnavhide\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_controlnav\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_keyboardnav\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_pauseonhover\', \'intval\');
    register_setting(\'snivo-settings\', \'snivo_nivo_captionopacity\', \'intval\');



 * plugin admin_menu action function
function snivo_admin_menu() {

    if (function_exists(\'add_submenu_page\'))
            add_submenu_page(\'plugins.php\',\'Simple Nivo Slider configuration\', \'Simple Nivo Slider\', \'manage_options\', \'snivo_menu\', \'snivo_admin_options\');


 * this is the function that actually provides the slider (called from theme)
function simple_nivo_slider($id=\'slider\', $category=\'\') {

    # make sure the theme has post-thumbnail support
    if (!current_theme_supports(\'post-thumbnails\'))

        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(window).load(function() {
                    jQuery(\'#<?php echo $id?>\').nivoSlider({
                            effect: \'<?php echo implode(\',\', get_option(\'snivo_nivo_effects\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_effects\'))) ?>\',
                            slices: <?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_slices\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_slices\')) ?>,
                            boxCols: <?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_boxcols\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_boxcols\')) ?>,
                            boxRows: <?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_boxrows\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_boxrows\')) ?>,
                            animSpeed: <?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_animspeed\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_animspeed\')) ?>,
                            pauseTime: <?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_pausetime\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_pausetime\')) ?>,
                            startSlide: 0,
                            directionNav: <?php echo (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_directionnav\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_directionnav\')) == 1) ? \'true\' : \'false\' ?>,
                            directionNavHide: <?php echo (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_directionnavhide\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_directionnavhide\')) == 1) ? \'true\' : \'false\' ?>,
                            controlNav: <?php echo (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_controlnav\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_controlnav\')) == 1) ? \'true\' : \'false\' ?>,
                            keyboardNav: <?php echo (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_keyboardnav\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_keyboardnav\')) == 1) ? \'true\' : \'false\' ?>,
                            pauseOnHover: <?php echo (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_pauseonhover\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_pauseonhover\')) == 1) ? \'true\' : \'false\' ?>,
                            captionOpacity: <?php printf("%0.1f", get_option(\'snivo_nivo_captionopacity\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_nivo_captionopacity\'))/100) ?>
        <div id="<?php echo $id?>">

    # build the post query string, then perform the query (default category is specified in plugin settings)
    $query = \'posts_per_page=-1&\';
    if (empty($category))
        $query .= \'cat=\'.get_option(\'snivo_category\');
        $query .= \'category_name=\'.$category;

    # perform the query, shuffle if shuffle enabled
    if (get_option(\'snivo_shuffle\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_shuffle\')))

    # process the results
    while (have_posts()) {



        # determine link
        $link = trim(get_post_meta(get_the_id(), \'simple_nivo_link\', true));
        if (empty($link))
            $link = get_permalink();

        # build \'a\' opening and closing tags, if wanted
        $linkhead = $linktail = \'\';
        if (strtolower($link) != \'none\') {
            $linkhead = "<a href=\\"$link\\">";
            $linktail = "</a>";

        list($imgsrc) = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), get_option(\'snivo_imagesize\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_imagesize\')));

        $caption = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), \'simple_nivo_caption\', true);

        <?php echo $linkhead ?><img src="<?php echo $imgsrc ?>" alt="" title="<?php echo $caption ?>" /><?php echo $linktail."\\n" ?>




 * handle snivo shortcode tags
function snivo_shortcode($atts) {

        \'id\' => \'slider\',
        \'category\' => \'\',
    ), $atts));

    # place call to main plugin function using specified options
    simple_nivo_slider($id, $category);


 * plugin administrative options page
function snivo_admin_options() {

    if (!current_user_can(\'manage_options\'))  {
        wp_die( __(\'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.\') );

        <div class="wrap">
        <h2>Simple Nivo Slider configuration</h2>
        <form method="post" action="options.php" id="simple-nivo-slider-conf">
            <?php settings_fields(\'snivo-settings\'); ?>

            <p><table class="form-table">

            <tr><th scope="row">Post category</th><td>
            <select name="snivo_category">
                <option value="1">Select a category</option> 
                $category = get_option(\'snivo_category\');
                $categories=  get_categories(); 
                foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                    $option = \'<option value="\'.$cat->term_id.\'"\';
                    if ($cat->term_id == $category)
                        $option .= \' selected="selected"\';
                    $option .= \'>\';
                    $option .= $cat->cat_name.\'(\'.$cat->category_count.\')\';
                    $option .= \'</option>\';
                    echo $option;

            <tr><th scope="row">Image Size</th><td>
            <select name="snivo_imagesize">
                $imagesize = get_option(\'snivo_imagesize\');
                $imagesizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
                $imagesizes[] = \'full\';
                foreach (array_reverse($imagesizes) as $tmpsize) {
                    $option = \'<option value="\'.$tmpsize.\'"\';
                    if ($tmpsize == $imagesize)
                        $option .= \' selected="selected"\';
                    $option .= \'>\';
                    $option .= $tmpsize;
                    if ($tmpsize == snivo_defaults(\'snivo_imagesize\'))
                        $option .= \' (default)\';
                    $option .= \'</option>\';
                    echo $option;

            <tr><th scope="row">Enabled effects</th><td>
                $all_effects = explode(\' \', constant(\'SNIVO_EFFECTS\'));
                $enabled_effects = get_option(\'snivo_nivo_effects\');
                foreach ($all_effects as $effect) {
                    <input type="checkbox" name="snivo_nivo_effects[]" value="<?php echo $effect ?>"<?php if (in_array($effect, $enabled_effects)) echo \' checked="checked"\'?>><?php echo $effect ?><br/>

            <tr><th scope="row">Number of slices</th><td>
            <input type="text" name="snivo_nivo_slices" size="3" value="<?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_slices\') ?>">

            <tr><th scope="row">Number of box columns</th><td>
            <input type="text" name="snivo_nivo_boxcols" size="3" value="<?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_boxcols\') ?>">

            <tr><th scope="row">Number of box rows</th><td>
            <input type="text" name="snivo_nivo_boxrows" size="3" value="<?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_boxrows\') ?>">

            <tr><th scope="row">Transition speed</th><td>
            <input type="text" name="snivo_nivo_animspeed" size="5" value="<?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_animspeed\') ?>"> ms

            <tr><th scope="row">Delay between transitions</th><td>
            <input type="text" name="snivo_nivo_pausetime" size="5" value="<?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_pausetime\') ?>"> ms

            <tr><th scope="row">Caption opacity</th><td>
            <input type="text" name="snivo_nivo_captionopacity" size="3" value="<?php echo get_option(\'snivo_nivo_captionopacity\') ?>"> %

            <tr><th scope="row">Options</th><td>
            <input type="checkbox" name="snivo_shuffle" value="1"<?php if (get_option(\'snivo_shuffle\') == 1) echo \' checked="checked"\'?>>Shuffle image order<br/>
            <input type="checkbox" name="snivo_nivo_directionnav" value="1"<?php if (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_directionnav\') == 1) echo \' checked="checked"\'?>>Show directional navigation links<br/>
            <input type="checkbox" name="snivo_nivo_directionnavhide" value="1"<?php if (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_directionnavhide\') == 1) echo \' checked="checked"\'?>>Show directional navigation links only on hover<br/>
            <input type="checkbox" name="snivo_nivo_controlnav" value="1"<?php if (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_controlnav\') == 1) echo \' checked="checked"\'?>>Enable control navigation<br/>
            <input type="checkbox" name="snivo_nivo_keyboardnav" value="1"<?php if (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_keyboardnav\') == 1) echo \' checked="checked"\'?>>Enable keyboard navigation<br/>
            <input type="checkbox" name="snivo_nivo_pauseonhover" value="1"<?php if (get_option(\'snivo_nivo_pauseonhover\') == 1) echo \' checked="checked"\'?>>Pause slider on hover<br/>


            <p class="submit">
            <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e(\'Save Changes\') ?>" />


/* install/uninstall */
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, \'snivo_activate\' );
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, \'snivo_deactivate\' );
register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, \'snivo_uninstall\' );

/* actions */
add_action(\'admin_init\', \'snivo_admin_init\' );
add_action(\'admin_menu\', \'snivo_admin_menu\');

/* shortcodes */
add_shortcode(\'snivo\', \'snivo_shortcode\');

/* stylesheets */
wp_enqueue_style(\'nivo-slider\', plugins_url(\'/nivo-slider/nivo-slider.css\', __FILE__));
wp_enqueue_style(\'simple-nivo-slider\', plugins_url(\'/styles.css\', __FILE__));

/* scripts */
wp_enqueue_script(\'nivo-slider\', plugins_url(\'/nivo-slider/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js\', __FILE__), array(\'jquery\'));


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:EAMann 整理而成

如果看不到你是如何定制插件的,我只能对库存插件的代码进行修改。默认情况下,它将使用permalink或您在post meta中为simple_nivo_link. 以下是实际代码:

# process the results
while (have_posts()) {



    # determine link
    $link = trim(get_post_meta(get_the_id(), \'simple_nivo_link\', true));
    if (empty($link))
        $link = get_permalink();

    # build \'a\' opening and closing tags, if wanted
    $linkhead = $linktail = \'\';
    if (strtolower($link) != \'none\') {
        $linkhead = "<a href=\\"$link\\">";
        $linktail = "</a>";

    list($imgsrc) = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), get_option(\'snivo_imagesize\', snivo_defaults(\'snivo_imagesize\')));

    $caption = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), \'simple_nivo_caption\', true);

    <?php echo $linkhead ?><img src="<?php echo $imgsrc ?>" alt="" title="<?php echo $caption ?>" /><?php echo $linktail."\\n" ?>

在英语中,此代码循环遍历滑块中的每个帖子。它调用the_post() 填充您熟悉和喜爱的常规模板标记函数。然后,它会检查您是否正在手动设置幻灯片的链接,方法是在simple_nivo_link 帖子的自定义字段。如果你是,它会使用它。如果不是,则使用永久链接。

但是,如果在这个post meta字段中设置了“none”,滑块将完全忽略链接。

