<div id="subscribe">
<input type="text" id="emailsub" class="text-input" name="email" placeholder="your email address" />
<input type="submit" src="<?php bloginfo(\'template_directory\'); ?>/images/send.jpg" alt="Send" width="37" height="27" name="#" id="submitsub" class="contactbutton" />
<br />
<!-- Email Validation -->
<span id="errorSubEmail" class="subError"></span>
<span id="formSubProgress" class="subProgress"></span>
type: "POST",
url: "http://mywebsite.co.uk/wp/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
data: {
action: \'ajaxfunction\',
email: email,
} ,
success: function(msg) {
// Check to see if the mail was successfully sent
if(msg==\'Mail sent\') {
// Update the progress bar
$(\'.email_wrap #formSubProgress\').html(\'<img src="images/ajax-complete.png" /> Thankyou!\').delay(2000).fadeOut(400);
// Clear the subject field and message textbox
// $(\'.email_wrap #subject\').val(\'\');
// $(\'.email_wrap #message\').val(\'\');
} else {
$(\'.email_wrap #formSubProgress\').html(\'\');
alert(\'There was an error sending your email. Please try again.\');
// Activate the submit button
$(\'.email_wrap #submitsub\').attr("disabled", "");
error: function(ob,errStr) {
$(\'.email_wrap #formSubProgress\').html(\'\');
alert(\'There was an error sending your email. Please try again.\');
// Activate the submit button
$(\'.email_wrap #submitsub\').attr("disabled", "");
add_action(\'init\', \'add_contact_script\');
function add_contact_script() {
wp_register_script(\'contact\', get_bloginfo(\'template_directory\') . \'/subscribe.js\', array(\'jquery\'), \'1.0\' );
function ajax_contact() {
) {
die(\'Error: aaaa Missing variables\');
function ajaxfunction() {
// die("ajaxfunction is called");
if(!isset($_POST[\'email\']) ) {
die(\'Error: Missing variables\');
} else {
$headers = \'The following person has registered to be notified when your webite launches: \'."\\r\\n" ."\\r\\n" .
\'Email: \'.$email."\\r\\n";
$subject = \'A new person has registered to be updated when you go live\';
if(mail($to, $subject,
$headers)) {
die(\'Mail sent\');
} else {
die(\'Error: Mail failed\');
add_action( \'wp_ajax_nopriv_ajaxfunction\', \'ajaxfunction\' );
add_action( \'wp_ajax_ ajaxfunction\', \'ajaxfunction\' );