
时间:2013-03-04 作者:Arch1tect

嗨~我又回来了,我正在尝试为我正在编写的脚本添加另一个函数a plugin that notify my friends of new post that mentions(@) them. 现在,我想在点击publish后,将我提到的朋友姓名的纯文本更改为他们自己的wordpress博客地址(如果有)的链接。所以@David将成为David.


add_filter(\'the_content\', \'replace_custom_word\');


        $friend_url = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "

                                                       SELECT comment_author_url
                                                       FROM $wpdb->comments
                                                       WHERE comment_author
                                                       LIKE %s ",
                                                       )) ;

此脚本的完整代码也粘贴在下面,请随时对我现在的内容发表评论。:)你可以查看我的last post 如果你看到什么奇怪的东西,或者你可以问我。

function email_friend()  {

    // get post object
    $post = get_post($id);
    // get post content
    $content = $post->post_content;
    // get how many people is mentioned in this post
    $mentionCount = preg_match_all(\'/(@[^\\s]+)/\', $content, $matches);

    // if there is at least one @ with a name after it
    if (0 !== $mentionCount) {

        $friendList = array();//for storing correct names

        for ($mentionIndex=0; $mentionIndex < $mentionCount; $mentionIndex++) {

            $mentionName = $matches[0][$mentionIndex];  
            $mentionName = str_replace(\'_\',\' \',$mentionName); //change _ back to space
            $mentionName = substr($mentionName, 1); //get rid of @
            //for security and add wildcard
            $friend_display_name_like = \'%\' . like_escape($mentionName) . \'%\'; 

            global $wpdb;

            // get correct name first
            $friendCorrectName = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "

                                                           SELECT comment_author
                                                           FROM $wpdb->comments
                                                           WHERE comment_author
                                                           LIKE %s ",
                                                           )) ;

            // get friend email by comment author name
            $friend_email = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "

                                                           SELECT comment_author_email
                                                           FROM $wpdb->comments
                                                           WHERE comment_author
                                                           LIKE %s ",
                                                           )) ;

            // get friend\'s blog address
            $friend_url = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "

                                                       SELECT comment_author_url
                                                       FROM $wpdb->comments
                                                       WHERE comment_author
                                                       LIKE %s ",
                                                       )) ;

            //if we have David\'s blog address in database
            if ($friend_url) {

                //this is where I need help with. 
                //I need to modify post content before writing it into database now
                //I need to change the plain text name after @ to a link to his blog


            if($friend_email) {// if found email address then email

                $postTitle = get_the_title($id);
                $post_permalink = get_permalink( $id );
                $to =   $friend_email;
                $subject =   \'Arch!tect mentioned you in his new post 《\'.$postTitle . 
                $from = "noreplay@swotong.com";
                $headers = "From:" . $from;
                $message = "Arch!tect mentioned you in his new post《".$postTitle . 
                "》 check it out?\\n\\n"  ."Post link:".$post_permalink
                ."\\n\\n\\nPlease don\'t reply this email.\\r\\n";

                if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
                    //if send successfully put his/her name in my list
                    array_push($friendList, $friendCorrectName);


        $comma_separated_list = implode(",", $friendList); //friend list array to string 

        // now send an email to myself about the result
        $postTitle = get_the_title($id);
        $post_permalink = get_permalink( $id );
        $to =    \'myOwn@email.com\';
        $subject =   "Your new post《".$postTitle . 
        "》has notified ".count($friendList)."friends successfully";
        $from = "noreplay@email.com";
        $headers = "From:" . $from;
        //list all friends that received my email
        $message = "Your new post《".$postTitle . 
        "》has notified ".count($friendList)."friends successfully:\\n\\n".
        mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

}//end of email_friend function

add_action ( \'publish_post\', \'email_friend\' );

EDIT2: to be more specific, the code above where I comment " //this is where I need help with. " is the place I need help with.

2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:RRikesh 整理而成

您通常使用add_filter 在显示信息之前。对于您的情况,您可以使用add_action(\'publish_post\', \'your_function\') 然后你拦截$_POST 价值观所见即所得编辑器的内容可通过$_POST[\'content\'].

吊钩为publish_{post_type} 顺便说一句,你应该做出相应的改变。


function wpse_89292_save_my_post()
print_r( $_POST[\'content\'] ); # will display contents of the default wysiwyg editor
add_action(\'publish_post\', \'wpse_89292_save_my_post\');
使用wp_insert_post_data 过滤器:

function wpse_89292_save_my_post( $content ) {
  global $post;
  if( isset($post) && get_post_type( $post->ID ) == \'post\' ){
    $content[\'post_content\'] = function_to_manipulate_the_content();
  return $content;
add_filter( \'wp_insert_post_data\', \'wpse_89292_save_my_posts\' );


也许你可以用wp_update_post (如果您正在编辑文章)或wp_insert_post (如果是新帖子)功能可编辑帖子中需要的内容。这真的很有效。




我试图根据调用的函数中的变量是否apply_filters() 等于特定值。该变量不会传递给apply_filters() 参数。这或许可以解释我的意思:// function in wordpress core function get_var_b() { // generating $var_a $var_a = \"a\"; // some code ... $var_b = apply_filters(\'get_var_b\