toscho的快速调整Remove Bio Box 密码
add_action( \'personal_options\', array ( \'T5_Hide_Profile_Bio_Box\', \'start\' ) );
* Captures the part with the biobox in an output buffer and removes it.
* @author Thomas Scholz, <info@toscho.de>
class T5_Hide_Profile_Bio_Box
* Called on \'personal_options\'.
* @return void
public static function start()
$action = ( IS_PROFILE_PAGE ? \'show\' : \'edit\' ) . \'_user_profile\';
add_action( $action, array ( __CLASS__, \'stop\' ) );
* Strips the bio box from the buffered content.
* @return void
public static function stop()
$html = ob_get_contents();
// remove the headline
$headline = __( IS_PROFILE_PAGE ? \'About Yourself\' : \'About the user\' );
$replacement = \'About The Author Box\';
$html = str_replace( \'<h3>\' . $headline . \'</h3>\', \'<h3>\' . $replacement . \'</h3>\', $html );
// remove the table row
// $html = preg_replace( \'~<tr>\\s*<th><label for="description".*</tr>~imsUu\', \'<th><label for="description"</tr>\', $html );
$html = str_replace( \'Biographical Info\', \'Short Author Bio\', $html );
print $html;