if(\'POST\' == $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_METHOD\'] && !empty( $_POST[\'action\'] ) && $_POST[\'action\'] == "new_booking") {
if(isset($_POST[\'submit\'])) {
$sucess = "We will contact you regarding this booking.";
$errors = "";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_name\'])) {
$booking_name = trim($_POST[\'booking_name\']);
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter your name.</li>";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_email\'])) {
$booking_email = trim($_POST[\'booking_email\']);
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter your email.</li>";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_address\'])) {
$booking_address = trim($_POST[\'booking_address\']);
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter your address.</li>";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_phone\'])) {
$booking_phone = trim($_POST[\'booking_phone\']);
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter your phone number.</li>";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_rooms\'])) {
$booking_rooms = trim($_POST[\'booking_rooms\']);
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter number of rooms.</li>";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_adults\'])) {
$booking_adults = $_POST[\'booking_adults\'];
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter number of adults.</li>";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_arrival\'])) {
$booking_arrival = trim($_POST[\'booking_arrival\']);
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter an arrival date.</li>";
if(!empty($_POST[\'booking_departure\'])) {
$booking_departure = trim($_POST[\'booking_departure\']);
} else {
$errors .= "<li>Please enter a departure date.</li>";
$booking_requirements = trim($_POST[\'booking_requirements\']);
if(empty($errors)) {
$new_booking = array(
\'post_title\' => $booking_name,
\'post_status\' => \'publish\',
\'post_type\' => \'listings\',
\'booking_email\' => $booking_email,
\'booking_address\' => $booking_address,
\'booking_phone\' => $booking_phone,
\'booking_rooms\' => $booking_rooms,
\'booking_adults\' => $booking_adults,
\'booking_arrival\' => $booking_arrival,
\'booking_departure\' => $booking_departure,
\'booking_requirements\' => $booking_requirements
$pid = wp_insert_post($new_booking);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_email\', $booking_email, true);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_address\', $booking_address, true);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_phone\', $booking_phone, true);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_rooms\', $booking_rooms, true);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_adults\', $booking_adults, true);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_arrival\', $booking_arrival, true);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_departure\', $booking_departure, true);
add_post_meta($pid, \'booking_requirements\', $booking_requirements, true);
do\\u action(“wp\\u insert\\u post”,“wp\\u insert\\u post”);
将此置于if empty$错误后,并进行编辑以满足您的需要:
if(empty($errors)) {
$subject = __(\'[Your Subject]\', \'your_text_domain\').\' \'.$title;
$body = __("Name: ","your_text_domain").$booking_name;
$body .= __("\\n\\nEmail: ","your_text_domain").$booking_email;
$body .= __("\\n\\nPhone: ","your_text_domain").$booking_phone;
$body .= __("\\n\\nMessage: ","your_text_domain").$message;
$headers = __(\'From: your@email.com \', \'your_text_domain\').\' <\'.$booking_email.\'>\' . "\\r\\n" . __(\'Reply-To: \',\'your_text_domain\') . $email; // Change this $email to whatever you want where you will get messages from booked persons
$mail_sent = false;
$mail_sent = mail($mailto, $subject, $body, $headers);
if ($mail_sent == true) {
echo __(\'Your message has been sent succesfully.\',\'your_text_domain\');
} else {
$error = true;
echo __(\'Sorry, an error occured while sending your message. Please try again.\',\'your_text_domain\');