function get_sorted_categories( $order_by = \'id\' ){
global $wpdb;
$category = get_categories();
$order = [
\'id\' => \'post.ID\',
\'date\' => \'post.post_date\',
\'modified\' => \'post.post_modified\',
$order_by = $order[ $order_by ];
$q = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT tax.term_id FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy` tax
INNER JOIN `{$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships` rel ON rel.term_taxonomy_id = tax.term_id
INNER JOIN `{$wpdb->prefix}posts` post ON rel.object_id = post.ID WHERE tax.taxonomy = \'category\' AND post.post_type = \'post\' AND post.post_status = \'publish\' ORDER BY {$order_by} DESC");
$sort = array_flip( array_unique( wp_list_pluck( $q, \'term_id\' ) ) );
usort( $category, function( $a, $b ) use ( $sort, $category ) {
if( isset( $sort[ $a->term_id ], $sort[ $b->term_id ] ) && $sort[ $a->term_id ] != $sort[ $b->term_id ] )
$res = ($sort[ $a->term_id ] > $sort[ $b->term_id ]) ? 1 : -1;
else if( !isset( $sort[ $a->term_id ] ) && isset( $sort[ $b->term_id ] ) )
$res = 1;
else if( isset( $sort[ $a->term_id ] ) && !isset( $sort[ $b->term_id ] ) )
$res = -1;
$res = 0;
return $res;
} );
return $category;
print_r( get_sorted_categories() );
print_r( get_sorted_categories(\'date\') );
print_r( get_sorted_categories(\'modified\') );
获取类别订单依据(post ID | post date | post modified date)。没有任何循环和快速!