首先,感谢Ian Stewart 此处的代码-
// Template for comments and pingbacks.
if ( ! function_exists( \'my_comment\' ) ) :
function my_comment( $comment, $args, $depth ) {
$GLOBALS[\'comment\'] = $comment;
switch ( $comment->comment_type ) :
case \'pingback\' :
case \'trackback\' :
// Display trackbacks differently than normal comments.
<li <?php comment_class(); ?> id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>">
<p><?php _e( \'Pingback:\', \'your-theme\' ); ?> <?php comment_author_link(); ?> <?php edit_comment_link( __( \'(Edit)\', \'your-theme\' ), \'<span class="edit-link">\', \'</span>\' ); ?></p>
default :
// Proceed with normal comments.
global $post;
<li <?php comment_class(); ?> id="li-comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>">
<article id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>" class="comment">
<header class="comment-meta comment-author vcard">
echo get_avatar( $comment, 44 );
printf( \'<cite class="fn">%1$s %2$s</cite>\',
// If current post author is also comment author, make it known visually.
( $comment->user_id === $post->post_author ) ? \'<span> \' . __( \'Post author\', \'your-theme\' ) . \'</span>\' : \'\'
printf( \'<a href="%1$s"><time datetime="%2$s">%3$s</time></a>\',
esc_url( get_comment_link( $comment->comment_ID ) ),
get_comment_time( \'c\' ),
/* translators: 1: date, 2: time */
sprintf( __( \'%1$s at %2$s\', \'your-theme\' ), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time() )
</header><!-- .comment-meta -->
<?php if ( \'0\' == $comment->comment_approved ) : ?>
<p class="comment-awaiting-moderation"><?php _e( \'Your comment is awaiting moderation.\', \'your-theme\' ); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<section class="comment-content comment">
<?php comment_text(); ?>
<?php edit_comment_link( __( \'Edit\', \'your-theme\' ), \'<p class="edit-link">\', \'</p>\' ); ?>
</section><!-- .comment-content -->
<div class="reply">
<?php comment_reply_link( array_merge( $args, array( \'reply_text\' => __( \'Reply\', \'your-theme\' ), \'after\' => \' <span>↓</span>\', \'depth\' => $depth, \'max_depth\' => $args[\'max_depth\'] ) ) ); ?>
</div><!-- .reply -->
</article><!-- #comment-## -->
endswitch; // end comment_type check
<?php /* The Comments Template — with, er, comments! */ ?>
<div id="comments">
<?php /* Run some checks for bots and password protected posts */ ?>
$req = get_option(\'require_name_email\'); // Checks if fields are required.
if ( \'comments.php\' == basename($_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_FILENAME\']) )
die ( \'Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!\' );
if ( ! empty($post->post_password) ) :
if ( $_COOKIE[\'wp-postpass_\' . COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password ) :
<div class="nopassword"><?php _e(\'This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.\', \'your-theme\') ?></div>
</div><!-- .comments -->
<?php /* See IF there are comments and do the comments stuff! */ ?>
<?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?>
<?php /* Count the number of comments and trackbacks (or pings) */
$ping_count = $comment_count = 0;
foreach ( $comments as $comment )
get_comment_type() == "comment" ? ++$comment_count : ++$ping_count;
<?php /* IF there are comments, show the comments */ ?>
<?php if ( ! empty($comments_by_type[\'comment\']) ) : ?>
<div id="comments-list" class="comments">
<h3><?php printf($comment_count > 1 ? __(\'<span>%d</span> Comments\', \'your-theme\') : __(\'<span>One</span> Comment\', \'your-theme\'), $comment_count) ?></h3>
<?php /* If there are enough comments, build the comment navigation */ ?>
<?php $total_pages = get_comment_pages_count(); if ( $total_pages > 1 ) : ?>
<div id="comments-nav-above" class="comments-navigation">
<div class="paginated-comments-links"><?php paginate_comments_links(); ?></div>
</div><!-- #comments-nav-above -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php /* An ordered list of our custom comments callback, custom_comments(), in functions.php */ ?>
<?php wp_list_comments(\'type=comment&callback=custom_comments\'); ?>
<?php /* If there are enough comments, build the comment navigation */ ?>
<?php $total_pages = get_comment_pages_count(); if ( $total_pages > 1 ) : ?>
<div id="comments-nav-below" class="comments-navigation">
<div class="paginated-comments-links"><?php paginate_comments_links(); ?></div>
</div><!-- #comments-nav-below -->
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- #comments-list .comments -->
<?php endif; /* if ( $comment_count ) */ ?>
<?php /* If there are trackbacks(pings), show the trackbacks */ ?>
<?php if ( ! empty($comments_by_type[\'pings\']) ) : ?>
<div id="trackbacks-list" class="comments">
<h3><?php printf($ping_count > 1 ? __(\'<span>%d</span> Trackbacks\', \'your-theme\') : __(\'<span>One</span> Trackback\', \'your-theme\'), $ping_count) ?></h3>
<?php /* An ordered list of our custom trackbacks callback, custom_pings(), in functions.php */ ?>
<?php wp_list_comments(\'type=pings&callback=custom_pings\'); ?>
</div><!-- #trackbacks-list .comments -->
<?php endif /* if ( $ping_count ) */ ?>
<?php endif /* if ( $comments ) */ ?>
<?php /* If comments are open, build the respond form */ ?>
<?php if ( \'open\' == $post->comment_status ) : ?>
<div id="respond">
<h3><?php comment_form_title( __(\'Post a Comment\', \'your-theme\'), __(\'Post a Reply to %s\', \'your-theme\') ); ?></h3>
<div id="cancel-comment-reply"><?php cancel_comment_reply_link() ?></div>
<?php if ( get_option(\'comment_registration\') && !$user_ID ) : ?>
<p id="login-req"><?php printf(__(\'You must be <a href="%s" title="Log in">logged in</a> to post a comment.\', \'your-theme\'),
get_option(\'siteurl\') . \'/wp-login.php?redirect_to=\' . get_permalink() ) ?></p>
<?php else : ?>
<div class="formcontainer">
<form id="commentform" action="<?php echo get_option(\'siteurl\'); ?>/wp-comments-post.php" method="post">
<?php if ( $user_ID ) : ?>
<p id="login"><?php printf(__(\'<span class="loggedin">Logged in as <a href="%1$s" title="Logged in as %2$s">%2$s</a>.</span> <span class="logout"><a href="%3$s" title="Log out of this account">Log out?</a></span>\', \'your-theme\'),
get_option(\'siteurl\') . \'/wp-admin/profile.php\',
esc_html($user_identity, true),
wp_logout_url(get_permalink()) ) ?></p>
<?php else : ?>
<p id="comment-notes"><?php _e(\'Your email is <em>never</em> published nor shared.\', \'your-theme\') ?> <?php if ($req) _e(\'Required fields are marked <span class="required">*</span>\', \'your-theme\') ?></p>
<div id="form-section-author" class="form-section">
<div class="form-label"><label for="author"><?php _e(\'Name\', \'your-theme\') ?></label> <?php if ($req) _e(\'<span class="required">*</span>\', \'your-theme\') ?></div>
<div class="form-input"><input id="author" name="author" type="text" value="<?php echo $comment_author ?>" size="30" maxlength="20" tabindex="3" /></div>
</div><!-- #form-section-author .form-section -->
<div id="form-section-email" class="form-section">
<div class="form-label"><label for="email"><?php _e(\'Email\', \'your-theme\') ?></label> <?php if ($req) _e(\'<span class="required">*</span>\', \'your-theme\') ?></div>
<div class="form-input"><input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="<?php echo $comment_author_email ?>" size="30" maxlength="50" tabindex="4" /></div>
</div><!-- #form-section-email .form-section -->
<div id="form-section-url" class="form-section">
<div class="form-label"><label for="url"><?php _e(\'Website\', \'your-theme\') ?></label></div>
<div class="form-input"><input id="url" name="url" type="text" value="<?php echo $comment_author_url ?>" size="30" maxlength="50" tabindex="5" /></div>
</div><!-- #form-section-url .form-section -->
<?php endif /* if ( $user_ID ) */ ?>
<div id="form-section-comment" class="form-section">
<div class="form-label"><label for="comment"><?php _e(\'Comment\', \'your-theme\') ?></label></div>
<div class="form-textarea"><textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8" tabindex="6"></textarea></div>
</div><!-- #form-section-comment .form-section -->
<div id="form-allowed-tags" class="form-section">
<p><span><?php _e(\'You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes:\', \'your-theme\') ?></span> <code><?php echo allowed_tags(); ?></code></p>
<?php do_action(\'comment_form\', $post->ID); ?>
<div class="form-submit"><input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php _e(\'Post Comment\', \'your-theme\') ?>" tabindex="7" /><input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" /></div>
<?php comment_id_fields(); ?>
<?php /* Just … end everything. We\'re done here. Close it up. */ ?>
</form><!-- #commentform -->
</div><!-- .formcontainer -->
<?php endif /* if ( get_option(\'comment_registration\') && !$user_ID ) */ ?>
</div><!-- #respond -->
<?php endif /* if ( \'open\' == $post->comment_status ) */ ?>
<?php comment_form(); ?>
</div><!-- #comments -->
<?php comments_template( \'\', true ); ?>