
时间:2013-12-14 作者:Chris




1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Subharanjan 整理而成

Code for checking and blocking LDAP users to reset password.

 * Checks whether a user is LDAP user and restricts to reset password.
 * @param  bool   $allow    Whether the password can be reset.
 * @param  int    $user_id  The ID of the user.
 * @return bool|WP_Error
function ldap_restrict_password_reset( $allow, $user_id ) {

    $user = get_user_by( \'id\', $user_id );
    if ( ! empty( $user ) ) {
        $user_login   = stripslashes( $user->data->user_login );
        $user_email   = stripslashes( $user->data->user_email );

        // check if the user a LDAP user
        if( $user_email === \'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@yyyyyyyyy.zzzzzzz\' ) {
            return new WP_Error(\'no_password_reset\', __(\'Password reset is not allowed for this LDAP user on this site.\'));

    return $allow;
/* Filters whether the user\'s password can be reset. */
add_filter( \'allow_password_reset\', \'ldap_restrict_password_reset\', 10, 2 );
Note:add code to get and check if the user is a LDAP 是否为用户。



 * Fires before a new password is retrieved.
 * @since 1.5.1
 * @param string $user_login The user login name.
do_action( \'retrieve_password\', $user_login );

 * Filter whether to allow a password to be reset.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param bool true           Whether to allow the password to be reset. Default true.
 * @param int  $user_data->ID The ID of the user attempting to reset a password.
$allow = apply_filters( \'allow_password_reset\', true, $user_data->ID );

if ( ! $allow )
    return new WP_Error(\'no_password_reset\', __(\'Password reset is not allowed for this user\'));
else if ( is_wp_error($allow) )
    return $allow;



使用getText翻译wp-login.php无法将`Back to`翻译成其他语言

我创建了一个插件来翻译wp登录的文本。php页面翻译成阿拉伯语,除了Back to 它出现在登录表单的底部,我无法将其翻译成阿拉伯语我的网站名叫Foodonia,我想翻译一下← Back to Foodonia 到العودة إلى فودنيا , 我尝试了以下每种方法:← Back to Foodonia Back to Back to Foodonia ← Back to Foodonia ← Back to 这是我的密