
时间:2014-07-04 作者:Pankaj


 * Returns an array of system fonts
 * Feel free to edit this, update the font fallbacks, etc.
function options_typography_get_os_fonts() {
    // OS Font Defaults
    $os_faces = array(
        \'Arial, sans-serif\' => \'Arial\',
        \'"Avant Garde", sans-serif\' => \'Avant Garde\',
        \'Cambria, Georgia, serif\' => \'Cambria\',
        \'Copse, sans-serif\' => \'Copse\',
        \'Garamond, "Hoefler Text", Times New Roman, Times, serif\' => \'Garamond\',
        \'Georgia, serif\' => \'Georgia\',
        \'"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif\' => \'Helvetica Neue\',
        \'Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif\' => \'Tahoma\'
    return $os_faces;

 * Returns a select list of Google fonts
 * Feel free to edit this, update the fallbacks, etc.

function options_typography_get_google_fonts() {
    // Google Font Defaults
    $google_faces = array(
        \'Arvo, serif\' => \'Arvo\',
        \'Copse, sans-serif\' => \'Copse\',
        \'Droid Sans, sans-serif\' => \'Droid Sans\',
        \'Droid Serif, serif\' => \'Droid Serif\',
        \'Lobster, cursive\' => \'Lobster\',
        \'Nobile, sans-serif\' => \'Nobile\',
        \'Open Sans, sans-serif\' => \'Open Sans\',
        \'Oswald, sans-serif\' => \'Oswald\',
        \'Pacifico, cursive\' => \'Pacifico\',
        \'Rokkitt, serif\' => \'Rokkit\',
        \'PT Sans, sans-serif\' => \'PT Sans\',
        \'Quattrocento, serif\' => \'Quattrocento\',
        \'Raleway, cursive\' => \'Raleway\',
        \'Ubuntu, sans-serif\' => \'Ubuntu\',
        \'Yanone Kaffeesatz, sans-serif\' => \'Yanone Kaffeesatz\'
    return $google_faces;

 * Checks font options to see if a Google font is selected.
 * If so, options_typography_enqueue_google_font is called to enqueue the font.
 * Ensures that each Google font is only enqueued once.

    function options_typography_google_fonts() {
        $all_google_fonts = array_keys( options_typography_get_google_fonts() );
        // Define all the options that possibly have a unique Google font
        $google_font = woodpecker_get_option(\'google_font\', \'Rokkitt, serif\');
        $google_mixed = woodpecker_get_option(\'google_mixed\', false);
        $google_mixed_2 = woodpecker_get_option(\'google_mixed_2\', \'Arvo, serif\');
        // Get the font face for each option and put it in an array
        $selected_fonts = array(
            $google_mixed_2[\'face\'] );
        // Remove any duplicates in the list
        $selected_fonts = array_unique($selected_fonts);
        // Check each of the unique fonts against the defined Google fonts
        // If it is a Google font, go ahead and call the function to enqueue it
        foreach ( $selected_fonts as $font ) {
            if ( in_array( $font, $all_google_fonts ) ) {

add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'options_typography_google_fonts\' );
 * Enqueues the Google $font that is passed
function options_typography_enqueue_google_font($font) {
    $font = explode(\',\', $font);
    $font = $font[0];
    // Certain Google fonts need slight tweaks in order to load properly
    // Like our friend "Raleway"
    if ( $font == \'Raleway\' )
        $font = \'Raleway:100\';
    $font = str_replace(" ", "+", $font);
    wp_enqueue_style( "options_typography_$font", "$font", false, null, \'all\' );

 * Outputs the selected option panel styles inline into the <head>
function options_typography_styles() {
     $output = \'\';
     $input = \'\';
     if ( woodpecker_get_option( \'google_font\' ) ) {
          $input = woodpecker_get_option( \'google_font\' );
      $output .= options_typography_font_styles( woodpecker_get_option( \'google_font\' ) , \'.google-font\');
     if ( $output != \'\' ) {
    $output = "\\n<style>\\n" . $output . "</style>\\n";
    echo $output;
add_action(\'wp_head\', \'options_typography_styles\');

// Returns a typography option in a format that can be outputted as inline CSS

function options_typography_font_styles($option, $selectors) {
        $output = $selectors . \' {\';
        $output .= \' color:\' . $option[\'color\'] .\'; \';
        $output .= \'font-family:\' . $option[\'face\'] . \'; \';
        $output .= \'font-weight:\' . $option[\'style\'] . \'; \';
        $output .= \'font-size:\' . $option[\'size\'] . \'; \';
        $output .= \'}\';
        $output .= "\\n";
        return $output;

        $options[] = array( \'name\' => \'Selected Google Fonts\',
            \'desc\' => \'Fifteen of the top google fonts.\',
            \'id\' => \'google_font\',
            \'std\' => array( \'size\' => \'36px\', \'face\' => \'Rokkitt, serif\', \'color\' => \'#00bc96\'),
            \'type\' => \'typography\',
            \'options\' => array(
                \'faces\' => options_typography_get_google_fonts(),
                \'styles\' => false )
        $options[] = array( \'name\' => \'System Fonts and Google Fonts Mixed\',
            \'desc\' => \'Google fonts mixed with system fonts.\',
            \'id\' => \'google_mixed\',
            \'std\' => array( \'size\' => \'32px\', \'face\' => \'Georgia, serif\', \'color\' => \'#f15081\'),
            \'type\' => \'typography\',
            \'options\' => array(
                \'faces\' => $typography_mixed_fonts,
                \'styles\' => false )
        $options[] = array( \'name\' => \'System Fonts and Google Fonts Mixed (2)\',
            \'desc\' => \'Google fonts mixed with system fonts.\',
            \'id\' => \'google_mixed_2\',
            \'std\' => array( \'size\' => \'28px\', \'face\' => \'Arvo, serif\', \'color\' => \'#ee9f23\'),
            \'type\' => \'typography\',
            \'options\' => array(
                \'faces\' => $typography_mixed_fonts,
                \'styles\' => false )
我没有在主题选项面板下拉列表中的$os\\U faces数组中列出字体。但会显示以下默认字体。查看下图。enter image description here 请帮忙。

1 个回复


$typography_mixed_fonts = array_merge( 
asort( $typography_mixed_fonts );



Admin Theme customization

我遵循wordpress codex网站上关于通过插件创建管理主题的说明。我激活了插件,但我的样式表没有包含在<head>.. 这是我的代码:add_action( \'admin_init\', \'kd_plugin_admin_init\' ); add_action( \'admin_menu\', \'kd_plugin_admin_menu\' ); function kd_plugin_admin_init() { /* Register