
时间:2014-09-30 作者:dtbaker


1 个回复



这将转换为[shortcode] 添加到一个很好的自定义视图中,以匹配前端,并添加一个编辑按钮,以方便快捷代码编辑。

clicking on a wordpress shortcode view


 * Class dtbaker_Shortcode_Banner
 * handles the creation of [boutique_banner] shortcode
 * adds a button in MCE editor allowing easy creation of shortcode
 * creates a wordpress view representing this shortcode in the editor
 * edit/delete button on wp view as well makes for easy shortcode managements.
 * separate css is in style.content.css - this is loaded in frontend and also backend with add_editor_style
 * Author: dtbaker@gmail.com
 * Copyright 2014

class dtbaker_Shortcode_Banner {
    private static $instance = null;
    public static function get_instance() {
        if ( ! self::$instance )
            self::$instance = new self;
        return self::$instance;

    public function init(){
        // comment this \'add_action\' out to disable shortcode backend mce view feature
        add_action( \'admin_init\', array( $this, \'init_plugin\' ), 20 );
        add_shortcode(\'boutique_banner\', array($this,\'dtbaker_shortcode_banner\'));
    public function init_plugin() {
        add_action( \'print_media_templates\', array( $this, \'print_media_templates\' ) );
        add_action( \'admin_print_footer_scripts\', array( $this, \'admin_print_footer_scripts\' ), 100 );
        add_action( \'wp_ajax_dtbaker_mce_banner_button\', array( $this, \'wp_ajax_dtbaker_mce_banner_button\' ) );
        if ( current_user_can(\'edit_posts\') || current_user_can(\'edit_pages\') ){
            add_filter("mce_external_plugins", array($this, \'mce_plugin\'));
            add_filter("mce_buttons", array($this, \'mce_button\'));
    // front end shortcode displaying:
    public function dtbaker_shortcode_banner($atts=array(), $innercontent=\'\', $code=\'\') {
            \'id\' => false,
            \'title\' => \'Special:\',
            \'link\' => \'\',
            \'linkhref\' => \'\',
        ), $atts));

        $banner_id = strtolower(preg_replace(\'#\\W+#\',\'\',$title));

        <div class="full_banner" id="banner_<?php echo $banner_id;?>">
            <span class="title"><?php echo $title;?></span>
            <span class="content"><?php echo $innercontent;?></span>
            <?php if($link && $linkhref){ ?>
            <a href="<?php echo $linkhref;?>" class="link dtbaker_button_light"><?php echo $link;?></a>
            <?php } ?>
        return ob_get_clean();

    public function wp_ajax_dtbaker_mce_banner_button(){
        header("Content-type: text/javascript");
        ( function() {
            tinymce.PluginManager.add( \'dtbaker_mce_banner\', function( editor, url ) {
                editor.addButton( \'dtbaker_mce_banner_button\', {
                    text: \'Banner\',
                    icon: false,
                    onclick: function() {
                } );
            } );
        } )();
    public function mce_plugin($plugin_array){
        $plugin_array[\'dtbaker_mce_banner\'] = admin_url(\'admin-ajax.php?action=dtbaker_mce_banner_button\');
        return $plugin_array;
    public function mce_button($buttons){
        array_push($buttons, \'dtbaker_mce_banner_button\');
        return $buttons;
     * Outputs the view inside the wordpress editor.
    public function print_media_templates() {
        if ( ! isset( get_current_screen()->id ) || get_current_screen()->base != \'post\' )
        <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-editor-boutique-banner">
            <div class="boutique_banner_{{ data.type }}"></div>
            <div class="full_banner" id="banner_{{ data.id }}">
                <span class="title">{{ data.title }}</span>
                <span class="content">{{ data.innercontent }}</span>
                <# if ( data.link ) { #>
                    <# if ( data.linkhref ) { #>
                        <a href="{{ data.linkhref }}" class="link dtbaker_button_light">{{ data.link }}</a>
                    <# } #>
                <# } #>
    public function admin_print_footer_scripts() {
        if ( ! isset( get_current_screen()->id ) || get_current_screen()->base != \'post\' )
        <script type="text/javascript">
                var media = wp.media, shortcode_string = \'boutique_banner\';
                wp.mce = wp.mce || {};
                wp.mce.boutique_banner = {
                    shortcode_data: {},
                    View: {
                        template: media.template( \'editor-boutique-banner\' ),
                        postID: $(\'#post_ID\').val(),
                        initialize: function( options ) {
                            this.shortcode = options.shortcode;
                            wp.mce.boutique_banner.shortcode_data = this.shortcode;

                        getHtml: function() {
                            var options = this.shortcode.attrs.named;
                            options[\'innercontent\'] = this.shortcode.content;
                            return this.template(options);
                    edit: function( node ) {
                        var data = window.decodeURIComponent( $( node ).attr(\'data-wpview-text\') );
                        var values = this.shortcode_data.attrs.named;
                        values[\'innercontent\'] = this.shortcode_data.content;

                        wp.mce.boutique_banner.popupwindow(tinyMCE.activeEditor, values);
                        //$( node ).attr( \'data-wpview-text\', window.encodeURIComponent( shortcode ) );
                    // this is called from our tinymce plugin, also can call from our "edit" function above
                    // wp.mce.boutique_banner.popupwindow(tinyMCE.activeEditor, "bird");
                    popupwindow: function(editor, values, onsubmit_callback){
                        if(typeof onsubmit_callback != \'function\'){
                            onsubmit_callback = function( e ) {
                                // Insert content when the window form is submitted (this also replaces during edit, handy!)
                                var s = \'[\' + shortcode_string;
                                for(var i in e.data){
                                    if(e.data.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != \'innercontent\'){
                                        s += \' \' + i + \'="\' + e.data[i] + \'"\';
                                s += \']\';
                                if(typeof e.data.innercontent != \'undefined\'){
                                    s += e.data.innercontent;
                                    s += \'[/\' + shortcode_string + \']\';
                                editor.insertContent( s );
                        editor.windowManager.open( {
                            title: \'Banner\',
                            body: [
                                    type: \'textbox\',
                                    name: \'title\',
                                    label: \'Title\',
                                    value: values[\'title\']
                                    type: \'textbox\',
                                    name: \'link\',
                                    label: \'Button Text\',
                                    value: values[\'link\']
                                    type: \'textbox\',
                                    name: \'linkhref\',
                                    label: \'Button URL\',
                                    value: values[\'linkhref\']
                                    type: \'textbox\',
                                    name: \'innercontent\',
                                    label: \'Content\',
                                    value: values[\'innercontent\']
                            onsubmit: onsubmit_callback
                        } );
                wp.mce.views.register( shortcode_string, wp.mce.boutique_banner );






我使用这个过滤器和函数来显示TinyMCE编辑器的自定义、精简版本。一切正常。。。除了“锚定”按钮不会显示(“锚定”)之外?根据TinyMCE网站(http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Controls), 这是要使用的控件。Does anyone know why the anchor button will not show?EDIT: 代码示例来自这里(这显示了我正在使用的完整代码,而不仅仅是下面的代码片段):https://gist.github.com/mrwweb/9