作为一种替代解决方案,在主查询上使用挂钩和过滤器,并从similar question/answer, 这就是我想到的:(代码有很好的注释,因此可以遵循。注意:这还没有经过测试,至少需要PHP 5.4+)
function get_term_sticky_posts()
// First check if we are on a category page, if not, return false
if ( !is_category() )
return false;
// Secondly, check if we have stickies, return false on failure
$stickies = get_option( \'sticky_posts\' );
if ( !$stickies )
return false;
// OK, we have stickies and we are on a category page, continue to execute. Get current object (category) ID
$current_object = get_queried_object_id();
// Create the query to get category specific stickies, just get post ID\'s though
$args = [
\'nopaging\' => true,
\'post__in\' => $stickies,
\'cat\' => $current_object,
\'ignore_sticky_posts\' => 1,
\'fields\' => \'ids\'
$q = get_posts( $args );
return $q;
add_action( \'pre_get_posts\', function ( $q )
if ( !is_admin() // IMPORTANT, make sure to target front end only
&& $q->is_main_query() // IMPORTANT, make sure we only target the main query
&& $q->is_category() // Only target category archives
) {
// Check if our function to get term related stickies exists to avoid fatal errors
if ( function_exists( \'get_term_sticky_posts\' ) ) {
// check if we have stickies
$stickies = get_term_sticky_posts();
if ( $stickies ) {
// Remove stickies from the main query to avoid duplicates
$q->set( \'post__not_in\', $stickies );
// Check that we add stickies on the first page only, remove this check if you need stickies on all paged pages
if ( !$q->is_paged() ) {
// Add stickies via the the_posts filter
add_filter( \'the_posts\', function ( $posts ) use ( $stickies )
$term_stickies = get_posts( [\'post__in\' => $stickies, \'nopaging\' => true] );
$posts = array_merge( $term_stickies, $posts );
return $posts;
}, 10, 1 );
上述代码现在已在Wordpress 4.2.1和PHP 5.4上进行了测试和使用+