未定义URL的WordPress AJAX问题

时间:2016-02-01 作者:Adamo

我对jQuery中的wordpress插件有问题。ajax部分,ajax\\u对象(url:ajax\\u object.ajax\\u url)没有定义,我不知道为什么。我无法从我的php插件收到正确的代码,但如果我硬链接到sm的url。php文件,一切正常,如果我删除“url”并在成功(数据)中仅使用“action:acton\\u exitpoup”,我将收到完整的html文档(表单所在站点的html)。我需要帮助来解决我的ajax和wordpress集成问题。


jQuery(document).ready(function () {


email = jQuery("#email").val();
firstName = jQuery("#firstName").val();
agree = jQuery(\'#agree\').prop(\'checked\');

var mail_match =/^[^@]+@[^@]+.[a-z]{2,}$/;

if(firstName == "" || firstName == "Your email" ) {
    jQuery("#firstName").css({\'border-color\': \'red\'});
    return false;
else if((email.search(mail_match) == -1)) {
     jQuery("#email").css({\'border-color\': \'red\'});
    return false;
else if(agree == false) {
     jQuery(".agree").css({color: \'red\'});
    return false;
else {
      jQuery("#email").css({\'border-color\': \'#d1d1d1\'});
      jQuery("#firstName").css({\'border-color\': \'#d1d1d1\'});

        url: ajax_object.ajax_url,
        action: action_exitpopup,
        type: "POST",
            firstName: firstName,
            email: email
        success: function(data)

            if(data && (data != \'bad\') )
                setCookie("popup", "1", 365);
                setCookie("smuuid", data, 30);
                console.log(\'correct data recieved\');
            else if (data = "bad")
                console.log(\'not working\');

            } else {
                console.log(\'totaly not working\');
            return false;
      return false;



   Plugin Name: Exitpopup for Salesmanago
   Plugin URI: somedata
   Description: Exitpopup window for salesmanago 
   Version: 1.0
   Author: somedata
   Author URI: http://somedata.pl
   License: GPL2

function add_exitpopup(){ 
    wp_enqueue_style(\'styleexitpop\', get_bloginfo(\'template_directory\') . "/exitpop/styleexitpop.css" );

    wp_enqueue_script( \'popup.js\', get_bloginfo(\'template_directory\') . "/exitpop/popup.js", array( \'jquery\' ) );

    wp_localize_script( \'add_exitpopup\', \'ajax_object\', array( \'ajax_url\' => admin_url( \'admin-ajax.php\' ) ) ); 

add_action( \'wp_enqueue_style\', \'add_exitpopup\' );
add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'add_exitpopup\' );

function action_exitpopup() {

    // SALESmanago config  

    $clientId = \'somedata\'; 
    $apiKey = \'somedata\'; 
    $apiSecret = \'somedata\'; 
    $endpoint = \'http://app2.salesmanago.pl\'; 
    // If we send message for the user, add email ID from SALESmanago
    $emailId = \'somedata\'; 

    $dt = new DateTime(\'NOW\'); 

    function do_post_request($url, $data)
        $ch = curl_init($url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
                         \'Content-Type: application/json\',
                         \'Content-Length: \' . strlen($data)

        return curl_exec($ch);

    if(isset($_POST[\'email\'])) {
        // Filled form

        $name = $_POST[\'firstName\'];
        $email = $_POST[\'email\'];

        // $name = $firstName . \' \' . $lastName;

        // Data for request 
        $data = array( 
            \'clientId\' => $clientId,
            \'apiKey\' => $apiKey, 
            \'requestTime\' => time(), 
            \'sha\' => sha1($apiKey . $clientId . $apiSecret), 
            \'contact\' => array( 
               \'email\' => $email, 
               \'name\' => $name 
            \'owner\' => \'some@mail.com\', 
            \'tags\' => array(\'test_cookie\'), // Tags
            \'lang\' => \'EN\',
            \'useApiDoubleOptIn\' => true,
            \'forceOptIn\' => false,
            \'forceOptOut\' => false  

        $jsonAddContact = json_encode($data);

        // Send request, add new/update contact to SALESmanago
        $result = do_post_request($endpoint. \'/api/contact/upsert\', $jsonAddContact);

        $r = json_decode($result);

        // Get contact ID 
        $contactId = $r->{\'contactId\'};

        if (isset($contactId)) {
            // If contact added/updated successfully

         echo json_encode($contactId);

    } else {
        echo \'bld\';


add_action( \'wp_ajax_action_exitpopup\', \'action_exitpopup\' );
add_action( \'wp_ajax_nopriv_action_exitpopup\', \'action_exitpopup\' );

function displayExitPopup() {

    echo \'<div id="popup-overlay" style="display: none;"></div>
    <div id="popup" style="display: none;">
    <div class="btn">x</div>
    <div class="left">
    <h2>Lorem ipsum</h2>

    <p>Lorem Ipsum Lorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem Ipsum</p>

    <form class="subscribe-form" role="form">

        <input type="text" name="firstName" placeholder="Your name" id="firstName" class="form-control">

        <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Your email" id="email" class="form-control">

        <input type="checkbox" id="agree" class="agree" name="agree" />
        <p class="agree">Agree <a href="">pp</a></p>

        <button class="btn-newsletter" id="submit">Lorem Ipsum!</button>

    <div class="right">
        <img src="\' . get_bloginfo(\'template_directory\') .\'/exitpop/someimg.jpg" alt="">


add_action( \'wp_footer\', \'displayExitPopup\' );


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Howdy_McGee 整理而成

以下是本地化的工作原理。您需要做的第一件事是向WordPress注册您的脚本。这几乎可以告诉WordPress脚本的位置、版本、依赖项(如jquery)以及它是位于页眉还是页脚。更重要的是,您需要给它一个唯一的标识符,您可以在wp_localize_script() 所以WordPress知道您的局部变量范围。因此,在所有3个函数调用中,唯一标识符必须相同:

function add_exitpopup(){ 
    wp_enqueue_style(\'styleexitpop\', get_bloginfo(\'template_directory\') . "/exitpop/styleexitpop.css" );

    // Register Our Script:
        get_bloginfo(\'template_directory\') . "/exitpop/popup.js",
        array( \'jquery\' )

    // Localize Our Script with our AJAX URL ( Note the same unique identified at the front )
        array( \'ajax_url\' => admin_url( \'admin-ajax.php\' ) )

    // Enqueue Our Script
    wp_enqueue_script( \'popup-js\' );
add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'add_exitpopup\' );