
时间:2016-03-19 作者:a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c35

我在Web服务器的根目录下安装了WordPress站点:/ 我想从这里提供一个文本文件:/.hiddendir/secondlevel/textfile





1 个回复

您可以利用add_rewrite_rule 创建新端点,如http://example.com/api/files/xyz 它处理请求并呈现来自服务器的内容。这允许您屏蔽文件的来源,但仍可以访问其内容。

add_rewrite_rule 需要您flush_rewrite_rules 但每次修改重写内容时,只需这样做一次。所以,基本上把这一条线留在测试中,但在生产过程中将其取出。

一旦确定url正在请求一个文件,并且要显示哪个文件,请快速is_readable 检查以确保file exists 您可以访问内容。


你可以把这个放在你的functions.php 或在plugin 无论主题如何,都允许访问。



if ( ! class_exists( \'FileEndpoint\' ) ):

    class FileEndpoint {
        const ENDPOINT_QUERY_NAME  = \'api/files\';
        const ENDPOINT_QUERY_PARAM = \'__api_files\';

        // WordPress hooks

        public function init() {
            add_filter( \'query_vars\', array ( $this, \'add_query_vars\' ), 0 );
            add_action( \'parse_request\', array ( $this, \'sniff_requests\' ), 0 );
            add_action( \'init\', array ( $this, \'add_endpoint\' ), 0 );

        // Add public query vars

        public function add_query_vars( $vars ) {

            // add all the things we know we\'ll use

            $vars[] = static::ENDPOINT_QUERY_PARAM;
            $vars[] = \'file\';

            return $vars;

        // Add API Endpoint

        public function add_endpoint() {
            add_rewrite_rule( \'^\' . static::ENDPOINT_QUERY_NAME . \'/([^/]*)/?\', \'index.php?\' . static::ENDPOINT_QUERY_PARAM . \'=1&file=$matches[1]\', \'top\' );

            flush_rewrite_rules( false ); //// <---------- REMOVE THIS WHEN DONE

        // Sniff Requests

        public function sniff_requests( $wp_query ) {
            global $wp;

            if ( isset(
                $wp->query_vars[ static::ENDPOINT_QUERY_PARAM ],
                $wp->query_vars[ \'file\' ] ) ) {
                $this->handle_file_request(); // handle it

        // Handle Requests

        protected function handle_file_request() {
            global $wp;

            $file     = $wp->query_vars[ \'file\' ];
            $filepath = \'\';
            switch ( $file ) {

                // example.com/api/files/xyz
                case \'xyz\':
                    $filepath = __DIR__ . \'/filename.txt\';

            if ( ! empty( $filepath ) ) {

                // Make sure this is an accessible file
                // If we can\'t read it throw an Error
                if ( ! is_readable( $filepath ) ) {

                    $err = new WP_Error( "Forbidden", "Access is not allowed for this request.", 403 );
                    wp_die( $err->get_error_message(), $err->get_error_code() );

                // We can read it, so let\'s render it
                $this->serve_file( $filepath );

            // Nothing happened, just give some feedback
            $err = new WP_Error( "Bad Request", "Invalid Request.", 400 );
            wp_die( $err->get_error_message(), $err->get_error_code() );

        // Output the file

        protected function serve_file( $filepath, $force_download = false ) {
            if ( ! empty ( $filepath ) ) {

                // Write some headers

                header( "Cache-control: private" );
                if ( $force_download ) {

                    // Allow a forced download
                    header( "Content-type: application/force-download" );
                    header( "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\\"filename.txt\\"" );
                header( "Content-transfer-encoding: binary\\n" );
                header( "Content-Length: " . filesize( $filepath ) );

                // render the contents of the file
                readfile( $filepath );

                // kill the request. Nothing else to do now.

            // nothing happened, :(
            return false;

    $wpFileEndpoint = new FileEndpoint();

endif; // FileEndpoint


WP-CLI media import error

我正在尝试使用WP-CLI(macOS)将JPG导入我的上载文件夹。我已连接到服务器,我可以更新和激活插件,成功导航到所有文件夹,等等。但是,当我跑步时:wp media import /Users/d.j./Desktop/cat.jpg 我收到一个错误:Warning: Unable to import file \'/Users/d.j./Desktop/cat.jpg\'. Reason: File doesn\'t exist. Error: No items imported