/** Remove action links from the Super Socializer plugin first column **/
const PLUGIN_SLUG = "super-socializer/super_socializer.php";
add_filter("plugin_action_links_" . PLUGIN_SLUG, function ($actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context) {
unset($actions[1]); // remove link "Add-Ons"
unset($actions[2]); // remove link "Support Documentation"
return $actions;
}, 10, 4);
/** Add action links to the Super Socializer plugin second column **/
add_filter( \'plugin_row_meta\', \'custom_plugin_row_meta\', 10, 2 );
function custom_plugin_row_meta( $links, $file ) {
if( strpos( $file, \'super_socializer.php\' ) !== false ) {
$new_links = array(
\'addons\' => \'<a href="\' . esc_url( \'https://www.heateor.com/add-ons\' ) . \'" target="_blank" aria-label="\' .
esc_attr__( \'Add-Ons\', \'domain\' ) . \'">\' . esc_html__( \'Add-Ons\', \'domain\' ) . \'</a>\', // add link "Add-Ons"
\'support\' => \'<a href="\' . esc_url( \'https://www.heateor.com/add-ons\' ) . \'" target="_blank" aria-label="\' .
esc_attr__( \'Support Documentation\', \'domain\' ) . \'">\' . esc_html__( \'Support Documentation\', \'domain\' ) . \'</a>\' // add link "Support Documentation"
$links = array_merge( $links, $new_links );
return $links;