我正在尝试创建一个插件,让我可以通过Zoho PHP SDK使用Zoho API。
所以我创建了一个名为connect zoho的WP插件并启用它。在此之前,一切都很简单:)
composer requiere zohocrm/php-sdk
这安装了包含zoho php sdk内容的供应商文件夹。
在我的插件中,我创建了一个文件zoho initialize类。php(从github文档复制粘贴):
namespace com\\zoho\\crm\\sample\\initializer;
use com\\zoho\\api\\authenticator\\OAuthToken;
use com\\zoho\\api\\authenticator\\TokenType;
use com\\zoho\\api\\authenticator\\store\\DBStore;
use com\\zoho\\api\\authenticator\\store\\FileStore;
use com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\Initializer;
use com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\UserSignature;
use com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\SDKConfigBuilder;
use com\\zoho\\crm\\api\\dc\\USDataCenter;
use com\\zoho\\api\\logger\\Logger;
use com\\zoho\\api\\logger\\Levels;
class ZohoInitialize
public static function initialize()
* Create an instance of Logger Class that takes two parameters
* 1 -> Level of the log messages to be logged. Can be configured by typing Levels "::" and choose any level from the list displayed.
* 2 -> Absolute file path, where messages need to be logged.
$logger = Logger::getInstance(Levels::INFO, "/Users/user_name/Documents/php_sdk_log.log");
//Create an UserSignature instance that takes user Email as parameter
$user = new UserSignature("abc@zoho.com");
* Configure the environment
* which is of the pattern Domain.Environment
* Available Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenter
* Available Environments: PRODUCTION(), DEVELOPER(), SANDBOX()
$environment = USDataCenter::PRODUCTION();
* Create a Token instance
* 1 -> OAuth client id.
* 2 -> OAuth client secret.
* 3 -> REFRESH/GRANT token.
* 4 -> Token type(REFRESH/GRANT).
* 5 -> OAuth redirect URL.
$token = new OAuthToken("clientId", "clientSecret", "REFRESH/GRANT token", TokenType::REFRESH/GRANT, "redirectURL");
* Create an instance of DBStore.
* 1 -> DataBase host name. Default value "localhost"
* 2 -> DataBase name. Default value "zohooauth"
* 3 -> DataBase user name. Default value "root"
* 4 -> DataBase password. Default value ""
* 5 -> DataBase port number. Default value "3306"
//$tokenstore = new DBStore();
$tokenstore = new DBStore("hostName", "dataBaseName", "userName", "password", "portNumber");
// $tokenstore = new FileStore("absolute_file_path");
$autoRefreshFields = false;
$pickListValidation = false;
// Create an instance of SDKConfig
$sdkConfig = (new SDKConfigBuilder())->setAutoRefreshFields($autoRefreshFields)->setPickListValidation($pickListValidation)->build();
$resourcePath = "/Users/user_name/Documents/phpsdk-application";
//Create an instance of RequestProxy
$requestProxy = new RequestProxy("proxyHost", "proxyPort", "proxyUser", "password");
* Call static initialize method of Initializer class that takes the following arguments
* 1 -> UserSignature instance
* 2 -> Environment instance
* 3 -> Token instance
* 4 -> TokenStore instance
* 5 -> SDKConfig instance
* 6 -> resourcePath - A String
* 7 -> Log instance (optional)
* 8 -> RequestProxy instance (optional)
Initializer::initialize($user, $environment, $token, $tokenstore, $sdkConfig, $resourcePath, $logger, $requestProxy);
然后我尝试调用函数Initialize,因为我的插件文件connect zoho。php如下所示:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class \'com\\zoho\\api\\logger\\Logger\' not found in /Users/user/website/zoho/wp-content/plugins/connect-zoho/zoho-initialize-class.php:32